We are heading up there. |
When we stepped out of our big
tent, on our first morning in Launceston, Steve looked up at the clear sky and
exclaimed “we’ve got to ride the mountain today.” As soon as the flasks were
filled with hot water, and the esky was packed with cheese, biscuits, nuts and
fresh fruit we were off on our first Tasmanian ride.
We rode on easy through the
little village of Longford and then up we went past Poatina. The road was quiet
and the views spectacular as we looked across at the Great Lake. We stopped for
morning tea at Flintstone, to take in the wonderful views over Arthurs Lake,
and then we lunched at Miena. I placed a chunk of cheese on a dozen crackers
and then tried to protect our fair from the savage wind that was blowing across
the lake. While we quizzed a local about the condition of the gravel road on
the western side of the lake, he said, “We’re expecting a drop of rain this
afternoon.” Any mention of rain when I’m at altitude with my motorcycle and I
start hopping around all over the place and I said “gotta go, gotta go.” Five
minutes later we were packed up and heading down the mountain as quickly as we
The Great Lakes - Western Tiers - 1300m, getting use to the gravel. |
The gravel section was upon us in
no time but the road was flat and the going was easy. Steve had done most of
the map reading for the day and I was unaware that there was a second section
of gravel. When we arrived at gravel road number two my heart sank, especially
when the sign said 19km. Onwards and upwards we went. Dark clouds were
gathering around the hills and a few spots of rain collected on my visor. I
wanted to wave my fist at Steve but I needed both hands on the handle bars. With
the weather closing in and some steep hair pin bends to negotiate, I wanted to
turn back but we were past the point of no return. Luckily the 19km sign had
been a joke all along and we were soon riding on bitumen again.
I can cope with a little light
rain, but then the fog rolled in. I was in front and it was some comfort that I
could see the dim glow of Steve’s headlight as we started the steep descent,
with only the white lines on the edge of the road to guide us. Thankfully we
were soon out of the fog but I was a little spooked by the gravel, and the rain,
and I descended that mountain like a hairy dog; luckily only Steve was around as
Cataract Gorge, Launceston. |
We stopped to rest at the bakery
in Deloraine. It was wonderful to watch our host make us an iced coffee with so
much care and attention, even piping fresh cream on top. Riding in the
mountains lived up to its expectations – four seasons in one day.
Be careful what you wish for. Our
big tent was dusty and Steve was overheard to have said “a shower of rain will
clean her up.” When we arrived back at camp, the rain arrived too and we
settled in for a night and a day of continuous drizzle. The locals said it
hadn’t rained for weeks. That’s what they always say and we didn’t believe
them. The rain gave us the opportunity to enjoy the streets of Launceston which
made a change from motorcycle riding.
Convict built bridge, Campbell Town. |
When the sun decided to shine
once more, we took the bikes on an easy run to the historic towns of Campbell
Town and Ross. Of the 200,000 convicts sent to Australia, Tasmania received an
incredible 70,000 prisoners. These guys were so resourceful that the bridge
they built in Campbell Town is able to withstand modern heavy vehicles and is
now part of the main highway connecting Launceston and Hobart.
I remembered enjoying the Ross
Rodeo when I was a child. It seemed like poetry in motion that the day I rode
into town on my motorcycle, the rodeo was actually taking place in the little
village. While we ate our lunch I could hear the rodeo’s PA system in the
distance and it took me back to a time long ago.
On Sunday 3rd February
we moved our camp to St Helens. The road twists and turns all the way to
Scottsdale and beyond. It’s easy to forget that although the distances are
short, the ride time is long.
You learn something every day.
Getting two motorcycles through a caravan park boom gate, with only one access
key, used to seem like a circus trick. Steve would operate the key. As soon as
the gate opened I would shoot through, leaving Steve to perform the hero’s part
which was to try and sneak past the gate before the boom came down and knocked
him of his bike. What we hadn’t realised is that as soon as I went through the
gate, the gate sensors said “vehicle through, close gate.” All you have to do
is line up and ride through together; it’s as easy as pie even though the
warning sign on the gate says “No bicycles or motorcycles.”
Great fish and chips, afloat at St Helens. |
If you stay at St Helens you’ve
got to have fish and chips. Our host talked us into trying travella, claimed to
be one of the best table fish on the planet. The travella was soft eating and
very good but these days we have developed a taste for flake which is our
Elephant Pass. |
From St Helens we took the bikes
on a run to Bicheno. We timed our ride perfectly so we could enjoy the famous Elephant
Pass and then have lunch at the Elephant Pancake Kitchen. While I was waiting
for my all berry pancake to be served, I decided to inspect the contents of the
sugar bowl. Now I should tell you that the dudes that run this establishment
have a sense of humour and there are signs around that say things like “don’t
even think about blocking this gate…” and “uncontrolled children will be taken
care of.” So when I lifted the lid on the sugar bowl and saw a lizard sitting
inside I thought it was a joke – until his eyes moved and he slithered onto the
table. I gave a controlled yelp, which I felt I was entitled to. All the other
patrons laughed and the waitress said, “That’s what you get when you live in the
bush.” Then she continued to serve tea and coffee and didn’t even pretend that
the sugar bowl would be cleaned out. I can report that the pancakes were
excellent but be warned – this restaurant only accepts cash and the pancakes
are quite expensive.
By the time we
made it back to camp it was time to replace the ice in our esky. We freeze two litre
orange juice containers, the square ones are the best as they fit neatly inside
the esky. Steve went to the camp kitchen but our container was gone. The
manager just happened to wander past our campsite and I mentioned it to him. He
said that “the girls" had probably cleaned out the freezer and thrown our
bottle away as the park does not tolerate the freezing of plastic bottles; it
doesn’t leave any room in the freezer for food. On this occasion the freezer
was like the park – empty. I thought about this for a moment and then asked to
be shown the sign which indicates that you cannot place bottles of water in
the freezer. There was no sign. I told the manager that “the freezer needs a
sign” because everyone freezers bottles and how were we to know. I said to
Steve “if there isn’t a sign on the freezer by the time we leave the park I’m
going to write to the management.” The following day the manager wandered over
with the news that our bottle had been found and it was back in the freezer!
All was forgiven and no letter was written.
On Thursday 7th February,
it was time for a ride to Hobart. There is something magical and exciting about
moving our camp from one destination to another. When I look back on our days
on the road, one of my favourite moments will be when we ride out of town, both
bikes loaded up and the trailer in tow. At that moment we are carrying
everything we need and it feels good.
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Bikes all packed and on the road, Triabunna. |
We picked a warm day for our ride
to Hobart and finding a shady picnic spot can seem like an impossible task. The
roads are in exceptional condition here in Tasmania and they are a pleasure and
a privilege to ride on. We stopped for a break at Bicheno, Swansea and
Triabunna. At Triabunna the ferry captain approached us and said he was trying
to encourage biker dudes to enjoy a trip to Maria Island by offering secure
parking near the ferry terminal. We suggested he should advertise in the
Ulysses Club “Riding On” magazine.
The temperature was a humid 30
degrees which made riding a little uncomfortable. As we approached Orford I
noticed it felt a little cooler. I looked down at Devil’s LCD and it said 27
degrees. The temperature kept falling, half a degree at a time, until it felt
cold at 22 degrees. Then I noticed the wind had picked up and bark was being
blown off the trees. As we rode past Prosser Bay I saw a cloud of sand
approaching the road. I called out “steady up” and me and Red Devil just
managed to pull up in time to watch a willy willy cross the road. Five minutes
later it was 30 degrees again!
We were hot and hungry by the
time we arrived at Richmond. A scallop pie and a Tasmanian made ice cream
calmed us down and made the crew smile again. By 4pm our canvas cabin was up
once more and we were on the net, checking out the program for the Australian
Wooden Boat Festival. Boat show here we come.